
The Morning Context

Business news faces three key challenges:

A. Newspapers churn out voluminous, shallow and poorly written articles.

B. Social media has amplified echo chambers and fake news creating harmful misinformation campaigns.

C. Advertising funded business models have created an environment of bias and favoritism in media coverage which has lowered the quality of journalism.

The Morning Context is the answer to the above trends. With original, deeply reported, fewer stories and dependent on subscriptions or reader revenue, TMC has only the interest of its subscribers in mind. The Morning Context publishes a daily edition, five days of the week. This daily edition includes a longread, an opinion column and a news explainer of current, top business news. Just the most efficient package to help you be on top of technology, business and current affairs in India. A close look at the topics The Morning Context writes about:

  • Corporates & large companies: 20%
  • Startups: 20%
  • Technology & social media: 12%
  • Finance & banking: 10%
  • Environment: 10%
  • Government policy: 8%
  • News explainers & current affairs: 20%


Who reads The Morning Context?

Our stories attract a variety of people who see a bit of their own personal and professional mission in what we’re doing at The Morning Context. So while we cover a wider swathe - entrepreneurs, venture capital investors, private equity firms, middle management executives across companies, stock market investors, analysts, fund managers & researchers, educational institutions and individual students - it's fair to say that all of them subscribe to The Morning Context for its stories as much as its part in shaping the future of business journalism.


Benefits of reading The Morning Context:

Our Daily Edition is designed to be efficient, detailed and built for the Internet generation. Physical newspapers and websites from legacy media companies publish an average of 150-200 stories every day. Largely commodity updates which are outdated. A young, mobile audience does not have the time to consume this volume of mundane stories and updates. Hence, The Morning Context’s Daily Edition which consists of just 3-4 stories. That’s all the reader needs to be on top of financial news.

Our readers get:

  • Investigative longform stories on start-ups, publicly listed businesses
  • Newsletters & opinion pieces on an array of subjects from science, AI, parenting, finance, technology, climate, public markets, public policy, sports, culture, fintech ecosystem in India, etc.
  • Breaking news on everything financial, business and technology
  • Our daily top news explainer